Friday 7 April 2023

The Supplication

When we consider the religion and the centrality of dua, sincere supplication, to it, then there is a lesson that we often neglect. 

This centrality is evident within the 1st pillar, because God’s nature that is emphasised in the Kalima Shahadah is that He is the one that responds to our duas. 

We know that Islam is perfect, and that any addition or subtraction from it, and any innovation is a going astray. 

But the question that I would like for you to deliberate today, is whether that accepted rule also relates to our method of supplication, and asking for God’s help?

In essence Is dua part of the rituals of our phenomenal religion, because we need to guard and protect each one of our religious rituals from innovation. 

These rituals in essence relate to the 5 pillars. That we cannot add to, or subtract from, or in any way alter or innovate in 

- the Shahadah, that makes us Muslim 

- The prayer, including all the prayers that we have been given from the Jannazza to Salatul Tasbih. 

- And in anything that relates to the prayer from the Adhan to the Wudu (and Ghusl) that are the keys to a successful Salat (vis a vis Hadith)

- The Zakah, and the categories of beneficiaries. 

- The Sawm of Ramadan, and what it constitutes

- The Hajj and Umrsh, and their arkaan.  

Then what about dua. 

Considering it’s centrality to our religion?

When you consider that question then you would be well versed if you note. 

1- no where do we find a similar instruction in regards to dua as we have in regards to the prayer - “pray as you have seen me pray”

2- whilst we do have examples of how the Messenger (saw) raised his hands, and these are the best to follow, we have no indication that these are the only ways of asking. 

3- that we are informed in the sublime recitation that God, most gracious, even responds to the supplication of the disbelievers when they are in distress. 

And then you come upon that phenomenal verse in Baqara-

“They ask you about me. 

Indeed I am near.”

When you consider these then you would hopefully see that the rule against innovation in regards to supplication does not exist. 

For the Most Gracious solely wants for you to turn to Him, to ask from Him, to supplicate to Him, and to believe that He is the One that hears and responds. 

So if you see a Muslim raising his hands and wiping his face thereafter, do not be so foolish as to think that he has innovated. 

For the Most Gracious accepts the supplication of any that asks, and in any manner that they ask. 

Famously we have the saying of the Messenger (saw) to tie your camel first and then have faith, here action preempts faith. 

But with the supplication it reverses. 

For then we have that you ask of the Most Gracious, and then with a firm belief in His response you seek for what you had asked for- and indeed that is something that the Most Gracious loves. 

And this method we find so many times in the Seerah of our noble Messenger (saw), that He asked and then he acted in a decisive manner. 

And the best of things to ask for are those which are better and much more longer lasting- 

- For guidance, for indeed God loves to do good and loves that do good. And hates those who wrong and oppress.

- For freedom from oppression, for any oppression against the soul is the kin of disbelief. And then to act to free yourself from that oppression. 

- to save you from the torment of the fire, which is real, and for you to enter in to everlasting Paradise. These relate to our unseen beliefs and to ask for them is something that the Most Gracious delights in. 

Indeed the Most Merciful is the ever living, the keeper of the everlasting and most beautiful of things, to Him belong the finest mysteries so ask from Him for the best.


Shafeesthoughts said...

Of course Alhamdolillah we can surmise ways and means of making our supplication better-

1- start with praising and thanking the most Gracious

2- send salutations down upon Muhammad (saw) for without him we would be of the ignorant ones.

Shafeesthoughts said...

May you be blessed with a response, and sometimes when you ask for those things that are of the everlasting quality then the Most Gracious might send the speech of Messenger from Himself to tell you to be patient, that He is the One that intervenes, and He is the One that responds. Aameen