Tuesday 25 April 2023

The Least Expected

Our brains are phenomenal interpretative machines. The eyes send staccato visual sensory signals to the visual cortex within our brains that stitch it all into a seamless whole. Giving us the “sensory illusion” that we inhabit a congruent world.*1

More recently it has been shown that the sounds that we hear affect our perception of taste: that music with higher notes actually causes us to taste things more sweetly, and deeper notes more bitter tones. 

That our brains interpret without even the slightest conscious effort. And that everything is coloured by the lenses that we each choose to adopt. *2

This is evident even within our greatest prize- language itself. 

That even when certain letters are missing within a sentence, that we are still able to make sense of it. Or auto correct when a  a word is mistakenly duplicated twice, without any conscious effort. *3

That each revelation came to bring meaning into our lives, not just by emphasising our God-given purpose *4, but by also awakening us to the reality of things. 

That is why Nabi Isa (as) [Jesus] said I call you to life *8. Just as the Message sent to Muhammed (saw) likewise invokes an awakening from slumber into the light of knowledge. 

But that knowledge is not something hidden like the Sufis claim, rather it is something evident and clear. 

So clear that it is missed by the vast majority. 

That we need seeming contradictions to wake us from our slumber. *5

And even the Quran with its phenomenal speech. What will awaken you to it’s wonder?

Settle your mind on it’s contemplation. 

And when we allow our minds natural interpretative skill to consider it, we should be startled by it’s unusualness. *6

That the Most Gracious does not start with Glory be to God, the creator of all things (in Arabic - Kulli Shay). 

But rather He says…

All thanks is due to God, the Sustainer of the Worlds. 

Imagine this Spring as you walk through the park and see a fully formed and distinct cloud of flies, consider is this not a World for each of those flies. That Allah t’ala sustains them and their communities, and provides for them from places that we cannot see. 

Contemplate the Worlds below which our vision cannot unaided see, does He not sustain them, miraculously? 

And at times He might opens your eyes to the invisible World, that we each believe exists but cannot see. 

The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious. 

What will awaken you to His wonder?

So allow your mind to contemplate what it expects, so that it might be awoken by that which doesn’t fit the mould. *7


*1 congruent in the sense that the image/model of the World that we house within our psyche is congruent with the real World beyond our senses. 


*2 For example the famous Gorilla experiment, where people were given the task to count something that occurs within a video footage, and seem oblivious (cannot see) to a Gorilla that comes within the frame of view. 

*3 The sentence written here for you is 

is false. See if that works for you. 

Or look again at the sentence that you read to get here. 

*4 “We did not create Men, nor Djinn, except to worship Me” said the Most Gracious to whom all praise is due, from whom all goodness emanates. 

And it is that purpose that resonates within the whole of Creation. 

*5 Like the last three days of Nabi Isa’s (as) earthly life. 


Or the event of Hudabiyyah 


*6 this is like the method used by Tabari in contemplating verse 2 of Baqara. 

Here he says… why does Allah t’ala say Dhalika (that is..) as opposed to Hadha (here is…). And that itself is a beautiful contemplation in which some would differ from what he wrote. 

*7 this is Tadabbur which I hope with Allah t’ala’s help that I might start in a structured manner with a group of like minded brothers soon. InshaAllah. 

*8 this is the epitomised by Muslim society with its 5 daily prayers that mean a constant movement throughout the day, it’s lunar months- never fully predictable, and the Ramadan which dishevels your whole life. Fully a society constructed to awaken you from slumber. 


Shafeesthoughts said...

The established and protected prayers are to be performed in a communal environment, away from your homes, and this causes a movement of people and thoughts which is conducive to the search for meaning.

The are our Mosques, Musajids and Musallas.

It is clear that there is a connection between Alam and Ilm (knowledge) that I have yet to explore and contemplate further on.

Shafeesthoughts said...

If I were to summarise the whole gist …
Allow your mind to effortlessly make cognitive connections, by reflection, in the hope that the very same contemplation will cause them to break.

For them you will experience the dawn of knowledge, certainty out of darkness.

And this is the pre-eminent and primary task of The Speech.