Tuesday 25 June 2024

Consultative Resource 1- The (Al-) Ansaar Association


this is open to consultation, to connect then visit my Instagram Page or email ansaarcommunity@gmail.com

The (Al-) ANSAR Association 

When we consider that the Muhajir had lost everything in their flight from oppression, then their similitude today, for us, is of those reverts who choose to profess belief in this our country. 

For they risk losing everything from family, to financial stability to friends. 

The Ansar were instrumental in helping them regain what they had lost.

And for us here in this country that means that the (Al-) Ansar association is committed to making this country part of our homelands. 

That we help our people, in these lands, to find the true religion and then to create a unique society and culture that accords with its precepts. For Islam is an international religion that finds expression across disparate cultures, and within the different peoples of this, our World. 

Islam is not Arab, nor is it Indopak, nor is it Turkish or Nigerian. Rather it is International in its outlook and in its actuality. 

In order to do this we, the (Al-) Ansar Association, wish to partner with owners of commercial properties within every High Street in England. 


To this end we have set up a vision of how those High Street Mussalas will act as a steering force to bring Submission to God, the infinitely caring, back as a focal point of this country.  

And we wish to partner with people within every community that share our vision that Islam as a blueprint is revolutionary in that it is grassroots and not authoritarian. 

And so we will endeavour to provide resources that can help with that expression of an international Islam harkening back to the golden age of the Abassids. 


And we wish to partner with activists who have seen the fullness of this country’s criminal justice system in its full majesty, with all of it’s hypocrisy and lies.  

That we can take this country out from the darkness of one man oppressing another, where justice here is not blind, and the law is used to great effect by the State to tyrannise its people. 


For the greatest of entities is the soul. 

And allowing one soul to oppress another, oppresses the both of them. 

That Freedom is precious precisely because when a man or woman is free from oppression then they are better able to appreciate the majesty in which God should be held. 

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