Sunday 10 December 2023

Not Forgot

I hope I’m not of those, so soon forgot 

What would let me know that I’m not?

Not forgot 

For what I have given 

My heart bleeds, and is shriven

The feeling is raw. 

And yet it keeps giving more. 

For hope never dies 

When belief is by its side 

And this anxiety 

Is but a prelude for certainty

The certainty of what 

Is that which galls me to know. 

The self made vulnerable man, 

who calls to prayer 

In the depths of the cold lonely dessert. 

For that is my part I shall never forget 

The warm friendship kindled within me

The medley smiles, and the banter of a friendship that will never meant to rot 

That day I asked you for eternity 

But never would I have ventured  

What then didst enfold.  

A trial of mammoth proportions 

Separation and heartaches

But never any doubt 

My heart crashes a thousand times 

Would I venture that again?

If it proves my truth, 

And yours too, to boot. 

Then I would, 

Most definitely would. 

again and again. 


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