Wednesday 21 June 2023


During the first thirteen years of the call to the Most Gracious, in Mecca, the number of Muslims numbered a few hundred. 

Within the ten years that followed, at Medina, not only did Muslims number in excess of tens of thousands (Fatah Mecca) but the Messenger’s (saw) influence could be felt in Persia, Rome, Egypt and the Yemen. 

Within one hundred years the Empire of the Faith reached from Spain to India, and from Turkey to sub-Saharan Africa.

The idea of Islam inspired people so much during that period that we would be right to call those areas, even up until this day, our homelands (Darul Islam) *1.  

This persistence puts paid to the erroneous idea of Islam being spread by the sword: for Empires made by conquest, as a rule, fade whereas Islam only appears to have grown stronger and more relevant with each age. 

Indeed the abundant mercies of the Most Gracious are clearly evident to any that cares to look. And it is not that Islam makes this case well, as so often those who concentrate on inviting people towards the Most Gracious would like for us to believe. 

Rather there is something else at play, in regards to the relevance and persistence of the Religion in those our homelands. 

Even as far back as to the times of Nuh (as), Noah, we find that his people did not want to appreciate, and so could not “see” the sign (miracle) that he was sent with. 

And that instead they focussed their argument against believing on … “how can we believe when the worst of the people follow you”. 

That theme occurs even at the start of the Quran, at the start of Baqara. And later within Baqara the Most Gracious rebukes that class of people with the same words that they use to rebuke the poor, downtrodden and helpless who even then choose to believe. 

That they are the real downtrodden and worthless people, through their own choice. 

In Sham (Syria) when the Muslim armies needed to regroup to face the greatest battle of their time against Rome, at Hittin. They had garrisoned themselves outside of the Syrian towns, and as they could no longer guarantee the resident populations protection against the oppression of Caesar, the Muslim commanders ordered that the Jizyah be returned. 

This speaks volumes. 

But again only to those that care to listen. So please do think on this before ongoing. 

That our people are not the intelligent literate classes, who are so often the target of our brothers focused on Dawa, but our people are the downtrodden ones victimised by the State that we live in. 

Those are our people. 

Who will never get a fair trial, nor hearing. Who are unjustly criminalised by an oppressive Criminal Justice System. 

And not only are those our people, we are those people. 

For we disproportionately outnumber within the criminalised, because we are so often the target of the Police who are bent on conviction, to the extent that they have no moral qualms lying to magistrates, judges and the public. 

Sarah Everard’s killer is no exception to the rule. The Police routinely protect their own. 

And how many have been sent down just because of Police testimony. 

Anyone with a care to read between the lines knows full well how they lie. 

For the MacDonald’s  Manager said that he had shown the CCTV to the Officer. 

She said contradictorily that the Met did not prioritise that crime, and within the same breath that the footage was shown to another Officer and not her. 

Truth be told, they are not tasked with investigating but with criminalising. 

We have within our volumes the fullest description of the Devils and what they are eager to accomplish. 

How many Muslims families are broken because of them, and their false morality?

So *If you believe in Allah and the last Day, why will you not fight?*

The pressing question for those who believe is “who should we fight?”

For the Israeli problem requires for a Palestinian solution. Just as does the Syrian problem.

So whilst we might feel their pain, as if it is our pain, their resolution must come from within themselves. 

The example that we must set for them is that we are fearless in the things that affect us and our people. 

That we will inveigh against a biased Criminal Justice System, and a Police Force that criminalises instead of investigating. For these are our oppressors and the oppressors of our people, who yet wait to call themselves Muslim. 

*And then when we do that with truth, and sacrifice, and openness, then these will be our homelands.*

Knowledge is sought through study and contemplation. 


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