Wednesday 19 January 2011

The Secret of Happiness.

Ask yourself are you Happy?
It is often said that to ask yourself, whether or not you are happy invites introspection. Which causes a withering into your shell, and then a necessary melancholic apprehension.

And that wisdom holds that when an outside agency asks it of you, that you should not take that bait nor question yourself, but laugh it off, save that melancholy comes to bear.

But if you cannot ask it of yourself, nor any other, without inviting such depression, then what use is the word Happiness.

It is then but a bitter tree bearing only barren fruit.

For if you cannot know that you are happy, how can you ever be expected to spread a little of it to those others whose lives you touch.

The whole of me irks at such a notion.

To know Happiness is to be Happy.
For I firmly believe that to know Happiness is to be Happy. (And not the opposite declared by so many, that "to be Happy is to not know Happiness").

And then I also firmly believe that to be Happy it is enough to know Happiness.

This is no play on words.
So please consider that last statement carefully, for it is the kernel of the attainment of Happiness.

To know Happiness is clearly of the mind, whereas to be Happy is clearly of the heart.

And so I put it to you my friends, that to be Happy it is enough to know what is happiness, and what makes people happy.

Happiness a MINDSet.
Happiness of the heart, is very much a mindset and this is what the great religions teach.

The secret of happiness is but three words, phrases or concepts:

1:-) Glory be to GOD who created (all including me), and
2:-)) All thanks belongs to Him who has nurtured me, provided for me and continues to do so from places I cannot see, and
3:-))) Truely HE is the Greatest.

(SubhanAllah wa bihamdihi SubhanAllah hil atheem.)

A remembrance that Muhammad (saw), the Messenger of GOD, said is light on the tongue and yet heavy on the scales.

To make you rich, beyond your means.
Muslim commentators have explained light on the tongue, because it is easy to say and rolls of it. And they say heavy on the scales of deeds which are measured on the Day of Truth and Justice (yawm ul haqq).

This is so.

But there is still more, for what does a person weigh on scales other than precious gold and wealth.

Saying these words makes a man wealthy beyond their means, not just on the Day of Truth, but also today.

For as Muhammad (saw) also told us, wealth is of the heart.

Remembering to thank GOD for what you have, will make you the wealthiest of people that walk this earth. Although that wealth will not jingle in your pockets it is a guaranteed way of making you smile, see the bright side of all circumstance and give to others not just wealth, but a helping hand.

Atheists can never know that Happiness!
It is an unfortunate circumstance that atheists and materialists will never be able to thank anyone, above themselves and that is a redundant action, and thus can never know this happiness.

A smile is charity- Saying of the blessed Prophet Muhammad (saw).

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Jabes said...

This is great Shafi.

Many years ago when I was in college, sophomore year, I was a deeply unhappy person. What was worse is that I had no idea why I was unhappy, I had what seemed like a lot of good things in life: a loving family, a nice girlfriend, friends, athletics, the freedom of being a student.

As the months past, I became unhappier. I couldn't really understand it, I had the formula for happiness yet it wasn't there.

on New Years Eve of that year I had a great realization. Rather I should say that I was given a great realization. This realization was that I had no control over my life. I wasn't ready to admit the whole truth to myself yet, but I saw that I wasn't the guy in charge and that my happiness had to come from submitting to what was. Happiness comes from accepting what you've been given and having thankfulness for that. This is like what you referenced about happiness of the mind and happiness of the heart.
Like I said, I didn't see the divine reality in all this (that would come later), but I was blessed with the keys to submission and surrender.

It was a pivotal moment in life. I became happier and more content than I'd been in years, certainly since childhood. There were other great moments in my path towards Islam, but that was the first step for me.

Shafeesthoughts said...

Thank you Jabes for your wonderful comment. Sorry for slow reply, I didnt have email notifications set up.