Friday 16 August 2019

Mount Mercy

Imagine that you were at Jabal (Mount) Rahma 1430 years ago. (*1)

Imagine that you were privy to hearing the last Messenger (saw) sent from the Most Gracious ensure that his Nation was left in no doubt about the things that mattered. 

Imagine his foresight in doing so. 

Famously there he said, in front of tens of thousands of Arabs, that no Arab is superior to a non-Arab. 

These words were not ideology, nor assumption, nor supposition, but were treated as fact by those that heard them. And not facts for a rainy day, but facts to live and die by. 

Indeed it is these words that warranted the explosion from Arabia that changed forever the history of the World. 

For the Messenger of the Most Gracious never once insinuated that Muslims should conquer.
The closest thing that he ever said that was remotely to do with other Nations both occurred on that day. 

‘No Arab is superior to a non-Arab.’

And then a little later ...

‘Those present tell those absent perchance they may understand all the better.‘

And they understood from this a mission, sacred. That is mentioned as a parable in the heart of the Quran. 

Now, imagine that, after delivering the sermon, you were standing there on that most holy day and place, a re-enactment of the day of recompense, and you heard the Messenger ask the people...

“O people, have I delivered the message?”

Would you respond with the tens of thousands, in one voice, “Yes”. 

And then he (saw) said, thrice: 
“O Allah, bear witness”. *2

So, if you are able, then intend for the Hajj next year, and on the Day of Arafat ascend Jabal Rahma and imagine that you were there, and ask in earnest supplication “O Allah t’ala count me amongst those that were there that day, count me amongst those that bore witness to the truth of Muhammad (saw) and that he did indeed deliver the message. “

Three months later the Messenger (saw) accepted an invitation and returned to his Maker. 

Within ten years that which he prophesied when the whole of Arabia came to attack him at Medina came to pass. 

“With the first I saw the red palaces of Syria, with the second the white palaces of Madain (within Persia), with the third the gates of Sana (the Yemen)”. *3

The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. 
And he shall speak Peace to the Nations, his rule will be from the sea to sea, and from the river to the ends of the Earth. 

Just as Zachariah prophesied, and Jesus (as) reminded us all of. *4

What I have said here is my opinion. If it is wrong then that wrong belongs to me. 
Knowledge is sought through study and contemplation, not via lectures, nor speeches, nor this above.

1 comment:

  1. *1 also known as Mount Arafat.
    *2 the most complete version can be found in Adil Salahi’s book: Muhammad, man and Prophet.
    *3 see for prophesies of Muhammed (saw). The version I remember from the Seerah differs in that the Messenger (saw) related what he saw with each strike after the event. l
    *4 the Prophesy of Zachariah
