Wednesday 21 August 2019

the openness

There is nothing even coming close to the openness and accessibility of Islam. 

To see old ladies hobbled over, and trudging willingly, on the way to Jamraat, to pelt the devils, and fulfil the rites is a humbling experience. 

That you do not need to be a scholar or sheikh to earn the forgiveness of the Most Gracious, nor do you need to be one to experience things that are phenomenal. 

Everyone of us experienced our own personal miracles on the Hajj, things that in the wider scheme may be a small consequence, but to each and everyone of us are there as evidence of the blessing. 

Just as is Islam accessible, so are its sources, and for good reason. 
Because intelligence is not an exclusive trait for those that study in a madrasah, or under a Sheikh. 
And Islam is intelligent.  

And when you approach it with intelligence and belief, then things open up for you. 

I am a nobody in most religious terms, and yet things have opened up for me because I have used my intelligence and ability, and believed. 

For I have seen the Messenger (saw) thrice in my dreams, once he came to me with a broad smile and offering a warm embrace. 
I have seen Jesus (as) stern of face as he descends. And much more. 
And if I lie, here, then may God’s curse be on me. 

This religion is open, accessible and yet many people only want to accept knowledge from a Sheikh, who is not intelligent but has a title. 

Seek to understand things yourselves, and contemplate them for this is to do justice to the openness of our religion. 
And to be otherwise is an injustice.

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