Friday 2 August 2019

the Honour of Hajj

Salaams brothers. 
Jumaa Mubarak 

The honour of Hajj is in exhausting yourself in completing the prescribed rites, in the correct order and at the correct times, even whilst hundred thousands of your fellow brothers and sisters do the same. 

The honour of Hajj is in the shaven heads, the removal of the glitter and pomp of the world and the symbolism that skin deep we are all the same. 

The honour of Hajj is in the return when your brothers see the evidence of your shiny scalp, even as the army of Khalid (ra) was dumbfounded when he crossed, and then returned across, the Empty Quarter whilst they marched from Iraq to Syria believing him to be in the rear. 

The honour of Hajj is to make it early in your youth, to honour the holy sites that all men were called to when Ibrahim (as) - Abraham (may God br pleased with him)- announced the Pilgrimage three thousand years ago.  

And then if you feel that your debt encumbers it’s acceptance, ask on the day of Hajj - at the promised meeting place on the plains of Arafat- that God bring you back again to this blessed place, on this blessed date, free from debt that He might grace you. 

The beauty of Hajj is in the simple things that you can do to make your brothers and sisters happy in the blessed places - sharing a prayer mat- making space for one another- offering food, drink and shade- and smiling and hugging even whilst you know not their language and they know not yours. 

The beauty of Hajj is in the small miracles that attest every day to the majesty of the place. 

The beauty of Mecca is in the Kaba, whose beauty is only enhanced by other beautiful things that surround it. 
The first house. 
The first return after the Hajj. 

And the seven circuits, that the angels make above us, and along with us. The symbolism of a life lived with the Most Gracious at its centre. 

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