Friday 30 April 2021

The Ignorant Man and the Worshipper

The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam said: “Indeed, an ignorant man who is generous is dearer to God than a worshipper who is miserly.”

Looking at this Hadith and juxtapositioning first the ignorant man with the worshipper and then in reverse generates incredible meaning:


Normally the opposite of an ignorant man is a knowledgable man. Taking this as the context the Hadith then reads that 

GOD loves an ignorant man who cannot share any knowledge, since he has none, and so he shares his time, money, smiles etc... Over a knowledgeable man whom here the Prophet (saw) reduces to a worshipper since he does not share his knowledge.

And then also, another way of juxtapositioning the two would be as follows:

The opposite of a worshipper is one who does not pray and does not worship. Here GOD loves

An ignorant man who does not know that he had been commanded to worship over a worshipper who is miserly. Plainly because the Ignorant man actually knows GOD more than the worshipper. 

For ALLAH t'ala is the most generous, gracious - the one that bestows without measure. 

O Allah bestow us without measure of understanding your religion, and send your peace and our salutations down upon Muhammad (saw), indeed the most intelligent of those whom you sent. Aameen. 


Like Stars on Earth, a film by Aamir Khan details the story of a “Duffer” Dyslexic Child, who just happens to be very intelligent:

Everyone is special, not least that know God the most. 

Many parents of Downs Syndrome children say that they would not change them for the Earth, precisely because of the amount of love that they bring into their lives. 

To be generous is to know God, and to know God is to be blessed and a bringer of blessings. 

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