Tuesday 20 April 2021

A supplication to God for Ramadan

A dua for Ramadan 

“Did He not find you an orphan and gave you shelter, find you straying and guide you, find you in want and made you rich..” S Ad-Duha, early Meccan revelation. 

So ended the period of silence in the revelation sent to our Messenger (saw), which mirrored that of a bigger and greater silence. 

For Nabi Isa (as) - Jesus (may God be pleased with him) - told his followers that the Kingdom of God was near at hand. 

An unprecedented 600 year silence followed on from that penultimate revelation. And some of the believing men and women from that Nation still, unknowingly, wait for it’s completion. 

Each and everyone of us is born alone, separate, cold and unloved and then God puts compassion into the hearts of our mothers, families and communities. 

And then God sent all of the Messengers and Prophets as a guiding light so that we might know of the truth of His existence. 

And yet mankind was still in need. 

And then God enriched us with Islam. 

 ðŸŒ™ With a qibla that unites us. 

🌙 With the prayer that is the key to paradise. 

🌙 With the zakah, and charity, that purifies us. 

🌙 With an abundant life that is a source of continual inspiration- the Seerah of our beloved Messenger, Muhammed (saw). 

🌙 With a heavenly recitation that soothes, cajoles and instructs us. 

🌙 With the month of Ramadan that enlivens us. 

🌙 With the Hajj, the most open and accessible physical reminder of the promised meeting. 

Is not Allah t’ala- God, the most High- the most generous and gracious. 

O Allah the first casualty of Ramadan is often the loss of patience, make us patient and easy, grateful and kind, and happy with whatever fare we are given. 

O Allah bless us that we might praise you this Ramadan to the best of our ability. 

And even though we cannot do justice to all the praises that are due to you, accept them from us. 

O Allah make this Ramadan a source for becoming closer to your words, and their recitation. 

O Allah indeed we are deficient, overlook our deficiencies, and help us in our proficiencies. 

O Allah we are the wrongdoers, but you are the one that loves to forgive, so forgive us. 

O Allah we are in need, so fulfil our needs, and the needs of our brothers and sisters who are more in need than us. 

O Allah for those in distress relieve their distress, for those feeling alone give them the company of angels to soothe them, for those in need of help provide them with an ally to help them. 

O Allah bless us that if we have the means then open the ways for us that we might make the Hajj this year in answer to Ibrahim’s call that reverberates down through the ages. That we might honour your house and fulfil our obligations to you. 

O Allah bless us that we might be amongst those that do good, are true and honourable, and stand up against injustice wherever it may be. 

And are not scared to call it out. 

And are not scared to care. 


1 comment:

  1. Ad-Duha
    According to the Seerah potentially the second revelation following on from a period of silence.

    The revelation upon Muhammed (saw) was an event of mammoth proportions, so much so that his preparation for that event probably even extended to his infancy when he was seized by angel and his chest cleaved open whilst a black spot was removed from his heart.

    The seal of prophethood that had been predicted long before that in prior scriptures was a direct result of that cleansing of his heart. And it was found between his shoulder blades.

    The Quran declares of that event that if it had been sent down upon a mountain, that the mountain would cleave unto itself in self surrender and in awe of the majesty of it.

    Psychologically this had a dramatic effect upon the Messenger (saw) because he feared it.

    Until with the passage of time and healing, he longed for it and worried that God had forsaken him.

    When then happened Ad-Duha was revealed as a consultation and a verification of what he had always done before.

    The last line is phenomenal in what it asks of him to do. And that is the first command that was given to him.

    But here we are concerned with the mirroring of the silence with a silence that had extended 600+ years.

    1- Did He not find you an orphan and give you shelter- the Messenger (saw) was fully an orphan at around 3.

    2- Did He not find you straying and guide you- when he was a shepherding youth he had wanted to go into town to essential party and asked a shepherd friend to look after his flock. When he left he fell down asleep and did not wake till the morrow. This happened twice and then he gave up trying.

    3- Did He not find you in need and enrich you. Later as a young man he became a trader, and his honesty so impressed his lady employer that she proposed marriage and he accepted. He was enriched both by her support, comfort, love and lastly wealth.
    The lady was Khadijah (ra) who became the first Muslim and the first to testify as to his truth.

    And as said in the main body these three were mirrored in both our common history and the history of each of us. After a period of silence of 600 years God enriched mankind with the message of Islam.

    A universal brotherhood.
    A message of hope to all of mankind.
    And a perfect society.
