Tuesday 9 July 2024

The (Al-Ansaar) Association NOW YOUR RIGHTS

This resource is produced for the Al-Ansaar Association and is a draft. 


In Criminal Justice Terms the reality is that you have no rights by law.

The Police and CPS are free to make their case for your conviction by any means available to them, including immoral means, obscuring and obstructing justice, tampering with evidence, failing to secure, protect and then provide you with evidence that could be used in your favour.

They use moral outrage well in the perversion of witness testimony, and then in the courts where they convict with recourse to sentiment and not fact.

So if you are in this position then know that you have a fight on your hands.


And know that Muslims are fearless in pursuit against injustice, and that The (Al-) Ansaar Association will be with you each step of the way, showing up the hypocrisy of this Criminal Justice System and advocating for it's full and complete revision.


1- Do not accept an appointed lawyer. 

Yes, there are corrupt lawyers who are in thrall with the Police.

And by accpeting a lawyer that you have not yourself chosen, means that you will be lowering your defences for a fight to an unknown person, who will dubiously fight your corner.

Later, once you are stung by realising that the appointed Lawyer is not for you, then you will be wary of availing yourself of any other. See choosing a lawyer- later. 

And make the wise choice of not being badgered into accepting one that they have chosen for you.

2- Do not seek to explain, a Police Force bent on conviction does not care for your explanation.

3- If you have not done the deed, then deny it and do not say "no comment" since that will be used by them in court to point the finger at you.

4- Be factual, and do not appeal to the Police Officers as humans` having feelings. They have already convicted you, and are now looking for ways to convict you in a court of law.

5- Say as little as possible. Do not allow them to drag out the interview, they will have already delayed the process, lied to you and done much else so that you might be subject to intense pyschological strain.

Be wary of your choice of words, they will purposely misconstrue them, for most people will believe a Poice Officer's interpretation of your words, even though you were the speaker.

6- At the end of the interview, ASK "are there any other claims made by the complainant that you have not asked me about?"

And then "Have you detailed all of those claims with the full details of what has been alleged?"

This because the Police use time delay well, and by not informing you of key claims, and key details, made by the complainant will seek to obscure your memory of events.


If you accept a caution then it is equivalent to your having admitted guilt.

Whilst at the time it might appear appealing because you would have been done with the nightmare, you would be wrong. 

The acceptance of your guilt will follow into every avenue of your ongoing life, and you will never be free of it.

Furthermore that guilt will be of your own doing, something that you will find very hard and trying to get past- the fact that they made you complicit in oppression done on yourself.

Resolve to fight, no matter how long it takes, and the (Al-) Ansaar Association will be with you every step of the way.

Email us and we will be in contact, and will believe your story when no one else will.


Memories fade and evidence in your favour will conviently not see the light of day.

When it comes to the crux of it all, it is the small details that will make all the difference. And these small details will not come back to you until much later.

But what is important is that you have documented the large details, as a means of accessing your memory of the small details.

Write down everything that you remember, in a notebook, or on post it notes, or on the back of envelopes. And keep them altogether.


It is not in your interest to depress yourself amd destroy the freedom of your own soul by remembering what you have been through.

Rather focus on the positives, that you are a fighter and a survivor, against a Criminal Justice System that seeks to destroy people's lives based on sentiment and not fact.

And remember that yours is not the first, and it won't be the last.

And then remember that The (Al-) Ansaar Association is there for you each step of the way. 

Email us, and we will be in contact.


The reality is that you need to safeguard the evidence that can be used in your favour, the authorities will not.

Document it, keep it secure and safe.

Do not give it over to them, other than in a copied form.

The Police have no incentive to provide the CPS with evidence that could clear your name, indeed if you provide it to them before being charged then they will have no obligation to provide it ot the CPS as part of the case file, and will more than likely not.

In order to show up the hypocrisy of this system, which is need of full and complete reform The (Al-) Ansaar Association advises that such evidence is provided to the Police after the charging decision has been made in order to force them to send it over to the CPS.

The CPS, always and without fail, fully back any narrative that the Police provide to them without question. Their's is not to question why, but simply how to use all means to convict.

Showing up their hypocrisy is part of what The (Al-) Ansaar Association seeks to do in order to challenge the oppression of Our People within this Our Society.


You have both the right and ability to choose to instruct a barrister directly, but this would be a grave error.

The job of your barrister, or solicitor, is simply to free you according to the rules of the game. And not to rock the boat by focusing on Poice and CPS abuses of power. 

The fact is that the Police and CPS rely on abuses of power and authority to convict. 

The Police are well versed in lying before the courts, and are never challenged by either lawyers, solicitors, barristers or even judges.

Their lies are accepted as truth even when questionable, simply because they will back one another up.

And so the choice of a single barrister, or even solicitor, lays you open to the possibility of collusion between them and the prosecuting agencies.

And do not think they have any shame- they have none.

Their lack of morality will be justified by a conviction no matter how unsafe it is.

So we advise you to CHOOSE a Solicitor Firm, which relies on conveyor belt justice. 

You will be provided with one point of contact- a Solicitor. Different people will help you throughout the whole process, and that is best.

CHOOSE also a firm that offers to take you on using LEGAL AID. This will mean that they are well versed in Conveyor Belt Justice, and work on probabilities much like the CPS.

They will introduce you to a Barrister to fight your corner in court. 

CHOOSE the Barrister that you like best, if you do not like the Barrister and don't get along with him or her- or if they are not willing to listen to your story- then refuse to appoint them, and ask to try another.

If you would like for someone from the (Al-) Ansaar Association to be with you at any meeting, then email us and we will be in contact.

Once you are with a Solicitor's firm, they cannot leave you unrepresented. 

So ensure you are happy with your choice of Barrister.


Remember THIS IS YOUR FIGHT, and the Basrrister is there to help you. So very much it is a partnership between the two of you, your baririster has the experience and can guide you. 

But the fight remains yours, so if the barrister produces a document and you think it is missing something then make it be known.

Tell your barrister everything in your defence, no matter how small or how overlooked it might be, or seem.

Your barrister, and solicitor, are at the end of the day Officers of the Court.


Solicitor firms are there to deal with the case, and not to rock the boat.

They will advice you to not rock the boat, as they believe that it will not be in your interest. And it is not in interests of the court nor the CJS as a whole for them to do so.

Let them do their job.
And help us to do ours, in advocating for a complete revision of the CJS- see our advocated position here..


The Independent Office of Police Complaints (IOPC) does nothing other refer complaints back to the Police Complaints Departments that in general rubber stamp any position that a Police Officer takes, no matter how corrupt.

They will take their time to produce a report that says absolutely nothing.

Your Solicitor will rightly advise that complaining about the Police will not help your case, and may even harm it.

But what they fail to understand is that complicity in a crime done against you by the Police is something that they won't have to live with, but you will.

For your sanity we advice you that whenever you find that a Police Officer behaves above the law, is immoral and obstructs justice, falsifies documents and lies, that whilst the Judge might take their side and listen to them all ears.

We advise that you do not accept any of this.

And stand with us, even when we stand with you.


"GOD does not oppress man, but man oppresses himself"

The Police and Criminal Justice System may behave as if they are above both Law and Morality.

But they will come to know that they not above GOD.

Indeed Muslims believe that they have a sacred trust from God to fight against oppression in all of its forms.

For the narrative of the Qur'an holds that oppression lends to disbelief, whereas freedom naturally lends to belief.

Muslims hold that there is only one way to guarantee both freedom from oppression and that is through a complete belief and full submission to the Most Merciful, Lord of all.

And so we, the (Al-) Ansaar Association, by never leaving your side. will fight against oppression.


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