Tuesday 9 July 2024

DRAFT RESOURCE: Articles of Association of The (al-) Ansaar Association


1- The (Al-) Ansaar Association, herinafter referred to as the Association, will not hold any assets other than monetary funds that it shall seek to distribute according to its aims.

2- The Association will not be a charity, but will be an association of people with shared values.

3- The Association will be run by a board of six trustees, each leading the work of the Association in each of its five aims, with the sixth holding the position of chair and amir.

It is preferred that each remit is held by a different individual, but on occasion multiple remits can be delegated to be held by one such person when the board of trustees is in agreement. 

OUR HIGH STREETS- working to provide space throughout this greater country for the people of it to fully grow into their appreciation of Islam, free from the baggage of prior cultural expressions of it.

OUR FREEDOM- a popular movement of people that seeks to challenge to staus quo of a Criminal Justice System that seeks to convict people based upon sentiment and not fact, that does not uphold justice but is the epitomisation of oppression and tyranny of the State upon it's citizens.

OUR HERITAGE- Islam is intelligent, brave and relevant. We will provide resources towards those ends of making our heritage come alive. 

OUR MASGIDS- will seek to bring together Muslims, within local areas, holding our common aspiriation that Islam is grassroots, accessible and revolutionary. 

And will seek to build Masgids throughout this our land through the incorporation of those Masgid Associations. 

These will act as centres to serve all of our people, according to the blueprints provided by the Association.

THE MUSLIM PARTY- We believe that Politics is in the job of inspiring people towards both doing good to others, and self-betterment. 

That hitting people with sanction, monetary or otherwise, does not help in those regards. 

We will work at the centre of power to hold power to account, both in all of our communities, and at that centre.

And will seek to right the wrongs of unchecked power, and harmful laws.

4- Each Trustee holds an unlimited mandate in regards to membership and trust in regards to the Association until and unless he is voted out of his role by a majority of other Trustees.

5- Each Trustee on seeking retirement, or being forced, from his post will nominate another to take his position, and this must be ratified by majority vote of all those in the Association that attend a meeting called for that express purpose, giving at least one months notice on our website.

If the position is not ratified then the remaining Trustees can appoint a Trustee of their chosing, via majority agreement.

The remaning Trustees cannot chose the nominee whose vote was not ratified by the Association attendees.


We will collect funds according to each of our five aims, accounts will be updated at least weekly on our website. 

Transfer of funds between the arms and aims of the Association will be affected by majority vote of the Trustees according to need.

A sixth general fund will be as per 7- below.


Members will be Muslim, according to the deifinition of Sunni Islam as defined by Yusuf al-Qadri's "The Lawful and Prohibited in Islam".

Members will pay a nominal standing order into the general fund of the association of £3 per week, thereby stipulating that they hold similar views to those expressed by the Association, and its members.

Membership can be revoked by majority trustee decision, on the occassion that information comes to light regarding the Member in question. 

The Member in question will be afforded the right of answering questions that may be put to him/her by the Trustees. This meeting will be scheduled to take place after 30 days of sending a letter to that effect to the held address of the Member, but not later than 45 days. 

The decision of the Trustees will be final and binding on all former Members, and existing Members, all will accept it as final and binding, and will not seek to challenge it in court.

At the meeting to withdraw Membership rights, the Trustees will not deliberate on a reason for withdrawl of Membership, the decision to withdraw Membership will be a simple show of hands. No argument will be given as to the withdrawl of Membership other than the Trustees do not believe that the Member who has their membership revoked still holds similar views to those held by the Membership of the Association, and the Association itself.

8- MEMBERSHIP RIGHTS- Members will have full access to our published resources, and other events that we will hold for them, will be able to vote concerning the articles that dictate each of the five fields of our work, when so consulted by the board of Trustees. And will have preferred access to the work of the Association and its trustees. 

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