Thursday 27 November 2014



They colonised and raped the World with their brand of right,

still make the fires roar,
that they might brand us once more.

Their faces changed,
Where once a meek Christian evangelised
Promising to civilise.

Now there a liberal stands,
Who castigates you to hell.
Because you dare to not toe his line.

Sure, we, humans have rights,
But the logical fool takes all to its conclusion
Until he stumbled.

More so do the family,
Peoples of our World.

More right have they,
And more so still the have-nots,
An edict sent down from high.

But for those others,
Steeped in the pride of their brilliant ignorance,
For them there is no sacred book,
No line that cannot be crossed.

They vented one from the other,
Without so much as a change in colour.

Both laying claims to be the civilising forces,
In this denuded, raped and colonised World.

Which one day will shake,
And the one who has woken from slumber,
Will accuse

"You did this,
You civilised fools !"


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