Thursday 23 October 2014



You were my second mother
Through my silence
You chided

Ziddee you named me
In playful jest
"Stubborn as an ass"

Whilst you had no son
I was your son
"May GOD have mercy upon you
Bless you."

And accept this dua
As the dua of a righteous son.

My one regret
That i did not take you on holiday
That I was not there when you needed me

Cancer defeated you
But worse still the suffering alone
The impersonal institution took you
From us

Isolated you
Separated us
Caused you to give up

Slowly sipped your life
Without love
Or nourishment.

Until you lay on that bed
Asked me for by name
I came
And you left.

Peaceful is your name
Peaceful may you rest.

In loving memory of Sakina Aunty, my Masi (mother's sister).

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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