Wednesday 9 June 2021

The Personal Love of God

“If music be the food of love, play on, play on”

The motivating factors that move us and cause us to act in an active fashion as opposed to a passive one are few:







The need for recognition 

and not least Love. 

In referencing the motivating factors that move us towards negative and destructive ends, God in the Quran reminds us that He is the Lord, Master and Answerer of Supplications of ALL MEN. (S An-Nas). 

And that therefore we are not special, even though we might think that we are. 

The need for truth, justice and fairness is a principle that we must strive towards, but the thing that motivates us towards that noble goal is essentially love. That we love to be good, selfless, true and fair. 

There is something beautiful about these principles, that we admire. 

Love is the only real positive motivating factor. It is desirable, positive and giving. 

But it is not in itself selfless.

Those of us that live our lives according to principles, love to be selfless. But love itself is not selfless, but neither is it selfish. 

It is something that God blesses us with, and puts between us, for He is the source of all goodness. 

It is constructive to compare the Muslim idea of this with our religious forbears and cousins. 

The God of the Old Testament is a jealous God. And it is this trait that defines the Judaic Nation throughout history. 

In a Hadith Qudsi we have that God says I am as my slave believes me to be. 

For the Christian Nation God’s love is selfless and unconditional. God loves all. 

And it is these ideas that we need to constructively consider when we contemplate our religion and our texts. 

For our understanding is much more nuanced and much more intelligent. 

God’s mercy compasses all, for He is Ar -Rahman, and His mercy compasses even those that deny Him and are rebellious. 

But His love He reserves for those who do good, as is referenced so many times in the Quran. Here His love is conditional. 

For the Judaic Nation if God loves then He makes easy and supports you in stealing others rights, and oppressing them. For He loves them here in a jealous manner, reserving things for them whilst denying it to others. 

But for the Muslims this is a clear sign of God’s anger with you, that He loosens the rope that you may hang yourself by your evil deeds. (Vis a vis the story of the creation of Adam (as)). 

When we look at the early life of the Messenger (saw) then we can see how God’s love really becomes evident. 

When God loves you He protects you from harming another, guides you to a better way, and helps you towards Him through at times what look like hardships to others (even if those others cannot see the effects). 

These are personal miracles that God sends your way. That only those who believe can feel. 

And then God’s generosity knows no bounds. For He opens hearts for you, and removes from you those who are your enemies. 

And then even whilst God is arRahman and His mercy compasses all, He reserves His anger for the wrongdoers who oppose those on the truth. 

Allah t’ala says Lana’t’Allah- that God has cursed them. Why does He say that He has cursed them, even whilst they have cursed themselves by their injustice and their championing of wrong?


This is a difficult question to answer. 

But what is clear here is that this is something very personal to God, himself. 

For remember He says here- I have cursed them. 

And then it is clear that God’s love of you is conditional upon you doing good, but once you attain that station then His love of you becomes something personal to Him. Just as in a like manner if you oppress, and persist in oppression, then God’s hatred of you becomes a thing personal to Him. 

Interestingly here God is the God of all,  vis a vis the Christian idea of selfless love, whilst at the same time being similar to the Jewish idea where God’s love or hatred is something personal to Him. 

We are lucky as a Nation because we know how to attain to God’s love. 

And that is through upholding justice, being true, selfless giving, returning trusts and exhausting ourselves at the times when we are asked to exhaust ourselves (Ramadan and Hajj). 

The way towards knowledge is through study and contemplation. Not through lectures, nor talks, nor this above. 


  1. A potential reason that God says that He has cursed them, even whilst they are the actors and fully responsible for their own actions, is that He remains Ar-Rahman (the Most Merciful) and continues to sustain them even past their crimes.

  2. In other words they make God, the infinitely Good, an accomplice to their crimes.

    And for that they warrant His curse, and the eternal fire.
