Friday 14 May 2021

Tafseer ul Quran In the Style of Abu Haneefa (rh)*

This group intends to progress through the Seerah and use it as a structuring element in our approach to the Quran. 

And for everyone within it to have a unique portfolio that they must endeavour to bring to our common table. 


1- the language used, unusual words or different meanings, and imagery (Qutb’s work). Especially where the exegetes translate a word in a way other than in its evident meaning, as they cannot understand it within it’s textual context. (Taking a figurative approach: vis a vis Tariq). 

2- how parts of the passage are used in deliberations on fiqh issues from any of the schools of thought. And what bearing they had on ethical deliberations. 

3- classical tafseer- what the classical tafseers say if anything unusual. 

4- tafseer al Quran bil Quran, relevant other passages from the Quran that can shed light on it. And it’s position within the Quran, within which Surah (the context of its’ arguments) and the surrounding Surahs. 

5- the seerah, occasion of revelation and sociological perspectives on the effect it had on the community of believers. 

6- relevant Hadith that have a bearing on it. 

7- theological and esoterical perspectives that pertain to it. 

Each person participating will need to take a unique portfolio in one of the above. 

They should endeavour in the long term to try and become lay-experts in those fields. 

If more than five other participants join the group, then their voices and opinions will only be heard through one of the lead six. 

And each of the lead six can form their own groups to deliberate on their separate fields, separate from the main group. 

The lead six will automatically become Admins of the group. 


We will progress in the Quranic (also known as the Socratic) method of posing questions and then deliberating on, and forming answers to those questions. 

I will act as chair, and bring together everyone in fortnightly slots via Zoom meetings. On the first of each couple of nights, I will lay out interesting and pertaining questions. 

We will all read the passage together in its Arabic and original form, taking turns, and also peruse different translations. This before the second of the two sessions. 

The first of the two will be to whet everyone’s appetite, and anyone can say anything as in a generalised discussions. 

On the second of the two meetings, each lay expert will be asked for more details concerning their field and what is says about the passage.

I will take on the portfolios of 5 and 7 as per above. And invite other people to join and take on the remaining roles as per their want. 


Knowledge is about deliberating and making connections between different pieces of information. 

In the second of the two meetings I hope we will see generative thought that makes those connections between each of the fields of study, see what happens when we take things to their logical extensions, understand the perspective of different scholars and why they said what they said about different things, and then take us all to a new level of understanding, InshaAllah. 


We will, InshaAllah, be a group of friends, each being equal, benefiting each from our individual researches and the putting of questions to people whom we consider to be scholars, but also from being open to others scholarship and their ideas.  

The six administrators will ensure that 

1- no scholar, or person who can claim scholarship, has any direct input or say within the group. So as not to brow beat any other opinion with superior qualification. 

2- each field of study has equal weight, and everyone has equal contribution to the deliberation. 

3- questions posed are kept so that the iteration always has a ready fodder of things to deliberate upon. 

4- we all are reminded that conclusions are not necessary, what is desirable is both contemplation and deliberation 

5- it is made clear that we aim to never finish neither the Seerah nor the Tafseer.

6-our focus is upon opinions that should be entertained, and whilst each individual member of the group is encouraged to decide upon what they think, they should expect scrutiny but without contempt. 

7-we are always keen to keep this group open to all, including non-Muslims if they so wish. 


The Admins will become admins of a WhatsApp group, in which only they can post. 

They will use the WhatsApp group to post arguments or pieces of information that they will rely upon in their submissions during the meetings. 

This so that other admins can see in advance their thought processes. 

And so that other non-admins can better follow what is going on in the meetings. 

Since I believe and love the organic nature of a discussion, the admins will agree to have no contact on points of contention or agreement outside of that group. 


If you are interested in becoming one of the lead six, please DM with the portfolio you would like to lead on. 

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