Saturday 20 February 2021

Justification and Choice


 more than interesting to consider that the choices that we make very much determine who we are to become. 

Contrary to this most would hold that who we are, at outset, determine the choices that we will make. But that is not a given, especially when we consider the many cases that we can deliberate upon within our body of knowledge. 

For Judas in all likelihood was the one who was crucified on the cross instead of Jesus ( Nabi Isa (as)). And there it was that he uttered the words that the Christians wrongly ascribe to Jesus (as): “O God, why have you forsaken me?”  

Clearly he was a devout Jew, believed in God, and in all likelihood he thought he was doing the “right” thing in betraying Jesus (as). But God in the Quran calls those who denied Jesus- disbelievers, even whilst they professed belief in God. 

In our creation story, Iblis (Lucifer in Christianity) first chooses to be of those who disobey, and then afterwards brings his arguments- “You created me of smokeless fire, and of him only sounding clay”. 

So we see this capacity of “choice”’ and then “justification” actually transcends both human society, and furthermore what it means to be human. 

It is the choices that we make that really determine our fates, and what we come to be. 

In the Seerah there were those of Quraysh who had become Muslim, and then returned back to Mecca in rebellion against both God and His Messenger. 

And there they died as disbelievers. 

There fate was sealed by the choices that they chose to make. 

Literally by who and where they chose to be- Mecca and not Medina. 

It is as if God choses to bring things to head so that that choice can be made, so that we can have no argument when the dust is settled. 

With Iblis it is the creation of Adam (as), and the announcement of his vicegerency over the Earth. 

In the case of Judas, it is the miracle of a table spread with heavenly repast that was sent down from heaven for them all, the disciples, to partake. A miracle not mentioned in the Christian texts, but for the Muslims a whole chapter is named after it: “S. Maedah”. And then God says after that miracle- so that any who would disbelieve after this - no argument can be brought for their case. 

In the case of the Khawarij that ceded from Ali (ra) there can be no doubt of their devotion, for they stood nightly in prayer their beards wet with tears. But they chose unwisely and their fate was sealed. 

After the fact of their choice, they vainly tried to justify themselves on three points that were roundly disproven by the Companions that knew. But it was their choice that defined who they came to be. 

If any of you have stood in a judge’s court, or at a tribunal, you will have seen a like working. That the judges decide first and then easily justify. For justification is always easy once the decision is made. 

And that is why it is always most important to chose wisely first. 

Because the justification of your choice you will have, no matter your choice. 

That is why God in the Quran advises judges, and magistrates and those who stand in judgment of people, to first stand up for truth and justice first. 

That they need to consciously choose that- that they will stand up for those things at the outset- and then regard the judgments that they pass. 

And not as so often the other way, decide and then justify. 

In each of our endeavours the dividing lines are drawn, and it is your choice that will determine who you will become. 

And then who you really are. 

Choose wisely. 


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