Wednesday 24 February 2021

Life from Death

When Allah tala said that He is the Creator and the One who causes things to evolve, the words used are Khaliqul and Bari-ul. (S. Hashr). 

Bari-ul is the One who causes things to evolve, and become whole, a possible implication of the two attributes of GOD being juxtapositioned, together in that one verse, is that they are or have opposite flavours. 

And if Bari-ol has the flavour of a thing becoming whole, the Khaliq-ul has the flavour of a thing becoming separate. 

That in the act of creation Allah t'ala causes separation. 

We know that when Allah t'ala created us, He caused us to come out from Nabi Adam as Dhurrah (atoms). This was our separation. (S. Araf- the Heights)

Furthermore we know that on death the two are joined, this is usually interpreted as the two legs being placed together in our shroud before burial. 

And on resurrection we will be joined and made whole, our souls reunited with our recreated and reformed bodies even unto the tips of our fingers. We will also be re-united with our book of deeds, which we will never be able to fling away. 

If this is the case then what implications does the act of creation have for Allah tala saying "And WE created death and life that WE might see which of you is best in deed". 

Did life spring as a byproduct from the creation of death?

So that Allah t'ala here precedes the creation of life with the creation of death. 

For when Allah t'ala asked the mountains and the skies to take the trust, they all refused save man. Thus all things may have something of a free will, a will to choose, in their atomic state, but when man accepted the trust Allah t'ala created death as a trial for him in his physical state and consequently freed him with life. 

How then are death and life to be made whole and complete?

A hadith provides us with the answer, for our Prophet (saw) told us that on the Day of Judgment Allah will cause death to be brought as a lamb, and this will then be sacrificed. 

How fitting that death, the thing that kills, will itself be killed. And this same act is the freeing and making whole of life, that life be without the shadow of it's twin death.

Thus Allah t’ala completes and makes whole HIS creation. And for some of us that will be a eternal shame, but for others who believe and do good, that will be eternal bliss. A true homecoming. 

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