Saturday 25 May 2024


Just yesterday I watched Endeavour after a long stint of going without. 

The episode that is eluded to in the title hangs on a vicar that leaves breadcrumbs as clues, as to who his would be killer is. 

For over thirty years I have asked God for the death of a Shaheed, and that is an every day ask, that He blesses me with an honourable death. And that is not how some might misconstrue, for that is a death in the fight against injustice and wrong and is not traitorous death, for the way of Bani Quraizah is not our way. For we believe in the ultimacy of Goodness, in Al-Husna. 

That to us is not the end of all things, but is simply to stay true and moral without regards for the ends - for indeed they lie in the Hands of the Most Merciful, Lord and Sustainer of all. 

And so here in this blog post I make accessible to any that would hear the manner of my death, if it is untimely or suspicious, as it were with breadcrumbs. 

For I am fully aware of the untimely murder of Daniel Morgan, who in all likelihood had a price put on his head. 

And if I meet a similar shady death then let this blog post be admitted as my post humous statement to the Higher Courts of Justice that the documents that they hold should be released in the public interest. And that they should force those public bodies that I point the finger at in those documents to release all the information that they hold in regards to me. 

For do not believe one iota of what they accuse me off. And follow those breadcrumbs to the truth of the matter. 

Much like Endeavour, for even he has to contend with a Police Force that doesn’t want to investigate for the truth, but wants solely to hinder investigation and convict by any and all means available to them.  

The High Court documents paint a picture not wholly full, for I went there to lay breadcrumbs and I could not fully elucidate. 

They are not publicly accessible and require a request to the High Court, Administrative Division, for their release. 

10th May 2024 with Hugh Southey KC



I used the opportunity that the GPHC afforded me. 

Use the opportunity that I afford you above to your benefit, and for the benefit of the British public. 


  1. And I do not fear death, but I fear most becoming a coward.

  2. King’s Bench Division | HMCTS | Royal Courts of Justice | Strand, London | WC2A 2LL | Phone: 020 7947 6655 (Option 6) | Web:

    Administrative Court Office, General Office

  3. As Fred Thursday said : “Tell the truth and shame the Devil”.

    So “Go to the Higher Court and shame the Powers that be on their outright perversion of Justice”.

    Do not fear their evil, as even I do not fear their evil. Let them try their best, for God is the Maula of those that believe.

  4. For a request to see the deliberations and papers will necessitate a court session where God willing I would be called to pour yet more fuel on the fire of their corrupt behaviour.
