Sunday 3 March 2024

The Cosmic Choice

When you think deeply about the true religion you see how clearly it mirrors the cosmos and the Sunnah of Allah (the ways and methods of God) that we can see evident within it. 

For Allah is al-Batin, the One who wishes to remain hidden, Az-Zahir, the clearly evident One. And so He appointed the Angels as Messengers of His will, sent heavenly books to challenge us to intelligence, and to wake us to reality, in the hands of Prophets (*1) to give us better examples of living. 

That He wishes to remain hidden, and for us to believe in Him not because of any authority sent down, but because of the vast intricacies and care that surrounds not just us, but absolutely everything. This extends not just to those things we can see, but even to those things that we have yet to find and discover. His care and sustenance is the one fact that no one can doubt. 

So that even when He sends a true Prophet and Messenger to the people, He raises amongst them his enemy. *2

So that the people have a ready choice. 

And so belief is never such an easy thing. 

That He wants for you to choose belief over disbelief and does not compel you to it. 

So it is with His speech, that for some it only misguides them because they have no faith, no honesty and no truth. 

And even with those that He wishes to do good to, because they do good to others, even for them He only makes clear the choice and opens up the opportunity. 

And He leaves the choice to you. 

Now look at His religion. 

How our Imams are not titles, but positions that we fulfil. 

That we have no priesthood with whom no authority lies, save only a religion perfectly open to all. 

Look at the Quran, revealed in simple Arabic that it might instruct. 

For here you do not need to look at the origin of each word in order to find the meaning. But solely to contemplate and deliberate upon the context. 

For unlike any other language Arabic has remained unchanged and evolved down through the centuries *3. 

So when an Imam shows you that he is well versed in the Arabic tongue as a means of impressing upon you his qualification, you should know that he follows not the Sunnah of the Most Gracious. 

For the Message needs no authority, it’s truth should be free to ring true to you without encumbrance from one who claims authority. 

And it is replete with meaning just waiting to find expression within each and everyone of you, who would deliberate and contemplate. 

*How beautiful God’s religion that remains free for you to choose.*


Knowledge is sought through study and deliberation, not this above, nor lectures and talks. 

*1 a Prophet that received a Book attains the stature of a Messenger. 

And we send our salutations and peace upon them all. 

*2 so a verse of the Quran informed our noble Messenger, Muhammed (saw) about this Sunnah of God. 

*3 here I am not taking about the different dialects of Arabic, but MSA - Modern Standard Arabic. 

Try reading Chaucer which is only a hundred or so old and then compare it to Tabari which is a thousand plus years old. 

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