Saturday 26 December 2020

A tale of two Nations

Who takes pride in a measley division in 

No better than the miser who covets others’ provision. 

And he thinks that the power of quantity

The dumbing down of all and sundry

The masses, the tabloid rabble, with fierce names 

“Does power the engines of progress?”

So that there come to sway over them

A lesser Napoleon, from a lesser tale

Who taunts at a religion 

That makes the rich the brother of the poor 

That makes wealth not sought for.

A burden, more burdensome than ever before 

Instead a perfectly mercantile society, where there is no division 

No cat/ mouse, no counter revision. 

No proletariat- bourgeoisie schism. 

Just a people who revel, each, in the giving. 

A Nation built on one commonality 

That each is equal 

But much more so 

those that live in poverty.

The engines here are not for one over the other 

The engines here are for one giving to t’other.


Western society sees the division between rich and poor as being a necessary evil that spurs progress. But not so Muslim society which makes the rich man the brother of the poor man.

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