Thursday 20 June 2019

The foundations of Muslim society

Is it not remarkable that within the first ten verses of the S Baqara, at the start of the Quran, that Allah talks about the hypocrites?

It is not remarkable when you consider that He chooses to preface the Quran, and everything in it*, with His name and attribute- ArRahman- the Most Merciful. 

For we, the Children of Adam, are a social and cogent creation, that live our lives within social hierarchies and groups that determine everything about us- from what we aspire to, to what we achieve, or do not achieve, to the method of our living and eventual dying. 

That He would then want to bless us with the best and most just society, and so He starts the Quran with Baqara which is the foundation of our society. And then starts Baqara with warning us about those nefarious elements that will seek, at every turn, to undermine our society. 

Indeed of the five pillars that make the house of Islam, only the first two were revealed and made obligatory in the first thirteen years of the Prophet’s (saw) mission that was marked by Meccan persecution. 
And the prayer that we perform was then both a consolation, a means of attaining closeness, and a source of contentment and happiness in those trying times. 

Whilst we find the command to establish Salat (Prayer), that is most often heavily tied with paying the Zakah - poor due- in the Quran, were clearly revealed after the establishment of the Muslim polity. Just as were the fast of Ramadan, and the culmination of Ibrahim’s (as) religion with the purification of the Hajj. 

It is these five that determine how our society should be, and look. 

The happiness that springs from Salaat, where gratitude to the Creator preempts a gratitude to all. 
And where we are all brothers, as equal teeth on a comb- no matter our wealth or our heritage or our colour- we stand side by side. 

The need, by a rule and institution, to care for the less well off- not because of a guilty feeling, nor because of a demeaning charity- but because of a God Given right. 

And then the feelings of empathy- when you feel as they feel- and you know the hunger that they taste and the thirst that drives them to despair- that is our fast of Ramadan that enables us to give with compassion and with heart.

Imagine Allah’s grace, that He chooses for you a religion that makes us as a body - one. 
Without social division, without classes and hierarchies of wealth, without superiority or inferiority due to race or colour or heritage. 

For did not our Messenger (saw) say in his farewell sermon in front of thousands of Arabs-

“No Arab is superior to a non-Arab”. 

On the Day of Arafat, 
On the Day when that favour was fulfilled and Islam was perfected. 
On the Day that Omar (ra) wept. 

O Allah send our salutations upon the Messenger, Muhammed (saw), for he did eminently discharge his duty and we have believed in You and call him true. 

Who taught us that Islam is more than a religion, in the strict sense of the word, that seeks to build a just and true society where happiness prevails and freedom flourishes, and the believers are as one brotherhood. 

*excepting Tauba. 

What I have said here is my opinion. If it is wrong then that wrong belongs to me. 
Knowledge is sought through study and contemplation, not via lectures, nor speeches, nor this above. 

(Note: it will be an exercise of excellence on your part to find and read the verses in S Baqara that commend and command each of the five pillars of the house of Islam.)

No copyright infringement intended. 

Plainly the analogy of the religion being a house is intended to show that it is both constructed and solid/ real. And the 5 pillars are there to hold the roof over our heads and protect us all. 

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