Monday 18 March 2019

the Denial of Disbelief is not Faith

The denial of disbelief is not faith. 

For the Messenger (saw) told us that faith and belief has 70 branches, the least of which is removing harm from the paths that people walk. 

Whilst it’s true that the soil of your heart needs first to be cultivated by the removal of false gods, from vanity to envy, it is not this alone that can cause the tree of belief to take root in you. 

Imagine that least of a believing man that removes harm from the paths- 

Contemplate him. 
Who is he?

He is a man, or woman, 
who is considerate
not of those that they can see
-but of those that they see even when they are not there
-those that might just be harmed, 
not by them nor their actions,
but by things that just happen to be. 

They are aware of what harm might happen through their inaction, through their inattentiveness, and through the dullness of their heart’s eye. 

Measure yourself against such a person. 

To be considerate and to care for the “maybe” people, even when it is just a “supposed eventuality”, that is the least of faith. 

How can we cultivate that full consideration, of invisible future outcomes, without first 
the kind word, 
the warm smile, 
the consideration of how those feel that we meet, and live amongst, on a daily basis. 

Uwais al- Qarni (as) was not blessed other than because his obligation prevented him from meeting the hero of all of us. 

Fulfil your obligations to Allah, and then to those that your are obliged towards. 
Give thanks to God, and those that helped and aided you. 

A saying of his and our hero, our Messenger, has it that a half of the Qur’an is the Chapter of Convulsions (Zilzalahah). The Hadith might be classified as weak in chain of narration, but it’s content is sound. 

Every man shall see the profit of his hands.  
And the good that you send forth might dissipate as atoms that you can’t see in this life, but no less effect do they have on those other lives that you touch. 
And in what comes next all of those atoms weight of good will be yours to see and take comfort in. 

Good enables and sustains good. 

That is why faith is a tree, 
Because it is living, 
breathing and growing. 

And it starts with being considerate, 
And kind to others. 

What I have said here is my opinion. If it is wrong then that wrong belongs to me. 
Knowledge is sought through study and contemplation, not via lectures, nor speeches, nor this. 

Thank you, to each and everyone of you, who make our lives, together, so special

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