Saturday 10 November 2018

Hundred Years of Colonial Lies

Hundred years of Colonial Lies

A poem for those forgotten soldiers 
Who fought and died for a war not theirs. 

Conscripted into the ranks of gun fodder 
Limbless they saw all the horrors

And not one iota of benefit
For this was not a war for a better World 

But continued misery, under their colonial masters 
Not a war to protect, but a war over Africa’s sweet soil. 

Whilst all this has gone and been done 
We still live in that past 

For Africa still scrambles out of that pitiless pit  
And the World still reels from our colonial past

The present and the future 
Of neo-colonial arms 

In Palestine, Syria and the Yemen 
They yet live, from palm to palm

Suffering the injustice of seeing their futures denied 
Their children killed, yet more cannon fodder for our guns. 

(C) Shafeesthoughts 
11th November 2018

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