Thursday 4 May 2017

Beat the Conservatives on the Nation's doorsteps

Want to win the argument on the Nations doorsteps- 5 poimts to make people think.

Theresa May says that she's the Stromg and Stable Candidate.

But Corbyn has withstood the backstabbing of the Parlimentary Labour Party who still want him to fall on his sword.

And Corbyn has withstood the vilification of the Nations Press.

Corbyn is the Stronger candidate by far.

Theresa May's Government has U-turned on nearly every piece of legislation that Corbyn has challenged her on.
There's not much stability in the Conservative camp.

It might be argued that that only goes to show that she listens, but really all it goes to show that she doesn't do her homework and doesn't think things through- because her U-turns always come last minute.

On the Economy, Theresa May will continue with Austerity.
Do you know what our National Debt is?

Did you know that year on year since 2010 when Cameron and Osborne launched Austerity- the National Debt has continued to grow and looks set to continue until the 2020s...

No new ideas Theresa?

Well Austerity is not working.
If we're saving all that money and still continuing to cut services, then why is the National Debt NOT REDUCING?

Corbyn understands that the way out off the National Debt is not by cutting services, but by helping innovation and wealth creation.

The Tories have taxed us all to the hilt, so much so that wealth creation looks like a bygone era and word.

But Corbyn will ensure that small businesses that are the forefront of innovation will not go under when the Big Boys don't pay them on time. Most do fail not because of poor ideas, but because of rotten and flawed cash flows caused by Big Businesses that they are reliant on for bringing their products to market.

Corbyn wins on the Economy.

Now for the last nail in the Conservative Coffin: BREXIT.

Negotiations are never as simple as THIS IS WHAT I WANT.
It's about understanding what your opponent wants and then ameliorating that and helping for them to get what the want in exchange for what you want.

Sorry to call a spade a spade, but Theresa May is thick.
Apparently the EU negotiator asked some months ago about the number of EU citizens currently residing in the UK.
If that wasn't signal enough about what they want then I don't know what is.

MAY could have then easily said that all EU citizens that currently reside here will need to apply for dual Nationality by a certain deadline. And that would have given her a big negotiating chip.

MAY does not understand negotiation.
But I know that Corbyn can and does listen.

Corbyn is better placed to negotiate us out of the EU in a favourable position.

Now you tell me who is the better PM?

And forget the media, off course they are for the Status Quo and continually misrepresent Corbyn, or worse still don't give his substance air-time.

At least with so much anti-Corbyn media, you should wake up to substance and give the man a chance.

We all know that Thatcher won by repeating a simple formula over and over again.
The problem is that MAY Formula- Strong and Stable- actually points to Corbyn as being the one to win.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Ringing the Bell

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