Wednesday 5 October 2016

For a friend.

And I understand where you are coming from... That there is some Power that is unseeable.

When Aristotle explored life, he did so from looking into its infancy- he reasoned that if you could understand it there then you could anywhere.

And when he looked into it there he found a life force that was clear and evident.

In one experiment he took an embryo cut it in half and reimplanted it back into the animal.
The embryo thrived and produced a whole infant animal... As if some regenerative power made it whole again.

Of all the sciences two figure greatly in the argument of the Qur'an
- one is embryology
- the second is cosmology..

And in our modern era, it is these two that point magnificently to a creator.

I completely understand the contempt that organised religion holds for many..

And yes Islam is organised, but critically with open sources (and not hidden material), and without a priesthood or clergy.

Sometimes it's the not knowing what you are supposed to do that holds you back from focussing on the meaning.

When you know what you are supposed to do, it leaves you free to experience the meaning.

Otherwise your mind is constantly this way and then that..
Without a clear direction or place.

And Islam is the direction, and to GOD is our return.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:The Lyceum.

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