Saturday 23 July 2016

One - Eighty Souls

One- Eighty Souls

One- eighty souls on board this ship
That plies above the patchwork quilt
Of someone else's land and sea

The straight and narrow
Man-made furrows
That hint at hidden industry

Not lost upon our Alien
Who could not guess our misery
Lest he walks among men as a man.

Then he would cry aloud from pain
And wonder how one heart
Could house another.

Written whilst flying above Europe en route to Mombasa, via Istanbul.
An alien descending on us from above would see evidence of civilisation, and yet when he comes to live among us then he will know the hatred and contempt that one has for another. And then he will question what we espouse, the love of all. And then he will question how one heart could house both love and hate?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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