Monday 3 August 2015

Just the Ticket

Just the Ticket.

A turn of phrase
Is all it takes.
To turn from disdain,
full of praise.

Whilst how so many?
Might turn by side,
Before they even reach that telling tide?

That swell
that might propel them
Onward, to uncharted shores.
Or else to climb those steeple spires.

From vantages you might see.
How little is your life, when
Against the many vast intricacies.

Or against the needs of others,
Far more, better than ours

But folly calls all such disdain
And those who heed it, fall before it,
The cold calculating enumerator
That accountants' blow.

Whilst our heroes celebrate their own anonymity.

They soldier on,
Proud to pass from baton to hand,
And back again.
The esteem pursuit of selfless giving.

That once did,
And can do again
This Nation arising.

From phrase,
to inspire,
to raise.

And all start
With that badge of honour.
That pass that we all hope to die with.

Written whilst on the way to Bera Hotel, Alanya. (Turkey Med Coast- Halal Hotel).

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Alanya, Turkey

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