Monday 22 December 2014

Thatcher's Children- poem

Thatcher's Children... (posted 24/4/2008)
Thatcher's children, we did "our time".
But Rehab doesn't work,
When you're brought up in grime.

While you're behind prison bars,
Ever in your mind,
Never escaping to the stars.

Rehab don't work,
When you born, brought up.
With beliefs that leave you naked and stark.

You are- who you are,
Don't aspire to be.
No imagination, no history.

Thatcher's children, we've grown up,
Through times of uncertainty,
Fearing change. Becoming Thatcher's people.

Can't dare to hope,
Can't see a better way.
Better just forget and try to cope.

We're all Thatcher's children,
Where-ever we might be,
We live in a World of Uncertainty.


At a time of uncertainty, recession...
Our nature is to dare not to hope,
To buckle down all our aspirations,
To not VOTE for Change, Nor HOPE itself.
But to vote for what we know, however CRASS,
However BASE!

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