Wednesday 23 July 2014

Bricks and Mortar

My hearts bleeds,
Not when I see the destruction that is visited upon my people.

But when I see my people destroyed by that destruction-
When they forget to care for their own.

Then they, our enemies, would have won.
When we no longer care to feed or look after the one who has no other,
The one who is left alone in the darkness
Because the criminals have taken their family.

Expand the hearts of the Muslims,
Remove from them the narrowness of this day,
And of the next day, and those to follow.

And replace it with the vastness of the next life.
So that even when they have nothing
Not a thing.
They still care.

And look after the one who has less than them
Left destitute without family.
Let them become one family.

Indeed this religion has the greatest of institutions
Not those of bricks and mortar
But far greater.

Men who might take heed
Of the words of the glorious

Take care my people
Of your people
And then GOD will take care of you. :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Gaza, Syria, Iraq ...

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