Monday 13 January 2014



Over the rolling crest of land,
We sighted sea.

Through a beautiful green hill,
Came we,
Out of a hole, called tunnel.

And over the crest we saw
High on the horizon, sea.
And at that sight, we did guffaw and chortle.

Like we had seen a crock of gold,
so unexpected.
So looked for.

And many white sails,
Spotted here and there.

And many a commercial ship.
Advertisements for a life
Lived elsewhere.

We crossed the Marina,
And steeped below the white cliffs.


We had come over to you from our jungle of spires.
But where Churches are few.
From Londonium renewed.

To take back from you,
A new member of our family.
A tortoise, that we have chosen to call


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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