Tuesday 25 June 2024

Consultative Resource 3- Our High Streets

The (al-) Ansar Association Musalla No 1 Proposal

1- The designated space will be within a High Street, to provide a safe space for Muslims to meet together and pray. High Streets are the life blood of Communities, and we hope that providing this space will lead to the regeneration of Community Spirit and small bussinesses.

2- This will not be a Mosque, neither is it a Masjid, having no appointed Imam and no formal authoritarian structure. The Musalla will be closed on Friday mornings prior to Jumma' and will NOT provide Jumaa' facilities.

3- Suggested Jamaat times (see webpage) will be provided, and during these times the main area will be designated as a prayer area. The imam will be chosen from those present. Outside of those times the main area will be designated as a social venue, a secondary quiet area will be designated as the Musalla during those times.

4-  The (Al-) Ansar Association Musallas will not own any property, neither will they rent any properties, and they will rely solely on the goodwill of Muslims owners in fulfilling the needs of the community. 

5- The (Al-) Ansar Association will provide a framework to facilitate community work centred around the Musallas. And therefore the Musallas will undertake to promote weekly minimal subscriptions to it from the public, in support of that.

6- The (Al-) Ansar Association holds that for far too long traditional Muslims have conflated conservatism with orthodoxy, and that whilst conservatism has it's place in a people wrecked with doubts, that no such doubts exist, in regards to our people, that are well founded. 

That Islam makes of us all braves, and the foremost of our braves are those that are intellectually curious. And that is the way of the father of our Nation, Ibrahim (as), the father of the Prophets. 

The (Al-) Ansar Association is foremost to appreciate and encourage our braves, and those from this Host People who choose Islam and seek to make it their home.


The (Al-) Ansar Association Musalla No I is proposed to be at Croydon Road, Beckenham, BR3. The representatives of the Owner of the Property can be contacted on XXXXXXXXXXX and 

Can be accessed through becoming a Member of the Association.  

Consultative Resource No 2- Our Freedom- the advocated reform of the CJS

The below is for consultation for The (Al-) Ansaar Association. 

Connect with us via email- AnsaarCommunity@gmail.com


The Reform of our Criminal Justice System

The State enact laws, the breach of which are called criminal.

The Criminal Justice System (CJS) is therefore an arm of the State.

Excesses of the State lend to tyranny, and the CJS is the instrument of that tyranny.

People are in need of protection from that tyranny, Magistrates and Judges should step up to that their primary role of protecting the people from such tyanny.


Summary of Our Advocated Position


The Police, and Criminal Prosecution Service (CPS), will have a maximum of 3 months, from initial interview, in which to bring their case to court. 

Cases after this time period will only be accepted to be heard if and only if it is proved in Court that the plaintiff in the matter obstructed the progression of Justice with a deliberate and provable intent.

The only exception to this rule is in cases where there is a provable conspiracy between individuals, or the plaintiff is an organisation or institution. 

In these cases the time period is doubled or trebled, depending on the level of the conspiracy or the intracacy of the institutional structures involved.


The Police, and the CPS, have no right to invade the privacy of individuals in the making of their case, except in the case where conspiracy between individuals is provable, or in regards to organisations and institutions of people.

Such evidence can only be admitted into court after it is first proven within that court that such a conspiracy exists. 

Any evidence brought to court through those means, which is not so proven, will be fully ignored with a recommendation by the presiding Judge for a prosecution by a panel of Judges of the CPS appointed lead proescutor, and the Lead Investigating Police Officer, and any authorising Officer above them.


Testimony will only be accepted into evidence when it is corroborated by a second and then third independant eyewitness source.

It is not for the accused to rubbish a testimony of the complainant by providing a reason for it, sufficient is it for the accused to provide his or her own account without being forced to counter accuse the complainant.


Confessions should carry no weight, precisely because Police Forces are well adept at proving their own immorality, showcasing their superiority over the Law, and constructing situations where accused individuals are psycologically compromised even without them ever knowing.

And without such abuses of power ever coming to light.

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They should not be admitted in to evidence at court.

Confessions should only be accepted into evidence if provided on three separate individual occassions.



The (Al-) Ansaar Assocations knows through first hand verifiable testimony of Police abuse of powers, of Police behaving above the Law, of their lying to Magitrates and Judges, or their immorality in all respects. 

The current state of Policing is that the Police investigate only so far as to convict, and not to prove, nor even investigate thoroughly. 

They rely on conviction through sentiment and not fact.

The shame is in their not being held to account by the CPS, nor by those Judges charged with protecting our Public from the tyranny of State. 

And they being instruments of the State, holding immense power by virtue of that, means that the primary job of Magistrates and Judges should be in the proteciton of our public from such tyranny. 

And not with them turning a blind eye, nor with them accepting their narrative of justifiable abuses of power on the basis of questionable convictions that are the result of such.  

We, the (Al-) Ansar Association will not shy away from  holding all of these to account, by shining a light on their hyprocrisy. 

This we will do by taking your first hand testimony, documenting it, and by promoting it here on our website hoping that the Powers that be will bring us to court. 

So that they come to know that we have no fear of them, not the corrupt Police, nor the CPS that encourage them, nor the Courts that fail to hold them to account. 

Alhamdolillah Allah has chosen for us to be Muslims, and we do not fear any accept His displeasure.

And we know that the calling of every Muslim is to fight corruption and oppression whereever it might reside.

Along with the Top 4 Advocated Reforms of the CJS, we also advocate for the following:




Each claim made by the complainant is to be fully investigated, and the Police will be charged with proving that they did so in the court. 

And they will make all of their findings known, irrespective of whether it corroborates with the complainant's narrative, or not.

Each claim made by the complainant is to be put at first instance to the accused in order for them to know the basis of the complaint and to afford them the right to defend themselves. 

This must be done at first interview and in a clear manner both verbally, and then secondarily in written form.


The testimony of the Police, or any in similar authority, should be discounted by all Judges and Magistrates. 

And should not be heard, except to explain how evidence was obtained, and in what context. 

The evidence should be allowed to speak for itself without elaboration. 


Evidence obtained by immoral means should be roundly rejected. 

For we know from our books that immorality breeds further immorality, and no justification is strong enough to eclipse this fact. 


Judges should be charged with the dismissal of any Police that they find have lied to the courts, provided false or misleading testimony, or obstructed Justice, and their immediate line Officers. 

Further, dismissal should extend to the removal of State Pension funds.


Judges should be charged with the dismissal of all Police Officers and CPS Lawyers, that are found to be complicit in the destruction of evidence, in the failure to safeguard evidence, in the falsification of evidence, in the failure to provide the defence with evidence that could be reasonably be used in their defence. 

The Police and CPS have a duty to provide such evidence as can be reasonlably be used by the defence to aid it's case, in a clear and non-obstructive way. 

Being complicit should extend to all and sundry that knew of that obstruciton of Justice, without seeking to redress the imbalance, or bring it to the light of the court.

This right is without time limit, it being known after the fact of conviction should not hinder the progression of a case brought against these complicit officials. 

Who once so charged by the Courts, should be suspended and have access to their instruments of Power, neither themselves nor through any proxy. 

It is not that the conviction is to be overturned before such progession can be had, rather the counter is true- that progession of a case of corruption of Police and CPS Lawyers takes place as a matter of urgency so that injustice can be righted in the most timely of ways. 

And this conviction is to be Judge and Court Led.


In all such cases of, Judges should immediately proceed to conviciton of those complicit there without referal to, or progression by, the CPS. 

The Presiding Judge will determine that a panel of three Judges will pass judgement on all complicit individuals who will have no recourse to independent representation other than their own voices. 

Obstruction of Justice will be judged as malfeasance, and will warrant dismissal. 

Conspiracy to obstruct Justice will warrant a custodial sentence, for all found guilty of such.

Consultative Resource 1- The (Al-) Ansaar Association


this is open to consultation, to connect then visit my Instagram Page or email ansaarcommunity@gmail.com

The (Al-) ANSAR Association 

When we consider that the Muhajir had lost everything in their flight from oppression, then their similitude today, for us, is of those reverts who choose to profess belief in this our country. 

For they risk losing everything from family, to financial stability to friends. 

The Ansar were instrumental in helping them regain what they had lost.

And for us here in this country that means that the (Al-) Ansar association is committed to making this country part of our homelands. 

That we help our people, in these lands, to find the true religion and then to create a unique society and culture that accords with its precepts. For Islam is an international religion that finds expression across disparate cultures, and within the different peoples of this, our World. 

Islam is not Arab, nor is it Indopak, nor is it Turkish or Nigerian. Rather it is International in its outlook and in its actuality. 

In order to do this we, the (Al-) Ansar Association, wish to partner with owners of commercial properties within every High Street in England. 


To this end we have set up a vision of how those High Street Mussalas will act as a steering force to bring Submission to God, the infinitely caring, back as a focal point of this country.  

And we wish to partner with people within every community that share our vision that Islam as a blueprint is revolutionary in that it is grassroots and not authoritarian. 

And so we will endeavour to provide resources that can help with that expression of an international Islam harkening back to the golden age of the Abassids. 


And we wish to partner with activists who have seen the fullness of this country’s criminal justice system in its full majesty, with all of it’s hypocrisy and lies.  

That we can take this country out from the darkness of one man oppressing another, where justice here is not blind, and the law is used to great effect by the State to tyrannise its people. 


For the greatest of entities is the soul. 

And allowing one soul to oppress another, oppresses the both of them. 

That Freedom is precious precisely because when a man or woman is free from oppression then they are better able to appreciate the majesty in which God should be held. 

Friday 21 June 2024

Authority Relationships

When we consider the variety of human relationships we could pigeonhole most into just a few: Employer-Employee, Colleague- Colleague, Oneself- Imam/ Teacher, Oneself- Qadi (Judge), Husband-Wife, Parent- Child. You can always leave your job, scrub your colleague's back in the hope that they will scrub your back too when you need it most, choose to listen to your Imam and Qadi's advice, or not as the case may be. Indeed Our Messenger (saw) taught us that when you ask a Qadi for a religious verdict in a matter, that you can and should choose to ignore it if it causes a disquiet within your soul. In all of these authority relationships it is the Parent- Child one that is the most powerful. That in the body of our knowledge is governed by mutual rights: the Parent has the right to be treated with kindness, and the child has the right to a good name. The right to a good name, must not just be thought of within the sole aegis of the first naming of the child, but is an ongoing right. That the parent must not bring their own self respect into question, or into doubt. That they behave morally within wider society, in a way that does not bring shame upon the child whilst they have yet to grow into themselves in their own right. And even within that most fundamental of powerful authority relationships lie seeds that must grow to the fullness of their expression. And once again it is our body of knowledge that talks of the fullness of that expression... "Play with them for the first seven years, instruct them for the next seven years, and then treat them as your friends ever after that." That authority relationships are not our way, and is not the way of the true religion. That they are there as a temporary preface to something much much better. That we allow everyone the space to grow into their understanding of this beautiful religion, in their our time and at their own pace. That the Imam's job after gathering us for prayer, is to instruct us in the most beautiful of ways with wisdom and intelligence. Which are not through appeals to authority, which are not by proving their qualification, but proving that they understand and can cause us to understand too.

 How they fail, when they shore up their authority thinking that they thereby instruct us. For they do not dare to ponder the fullness of a child's growth into manhood, or womanhood, as a means of reflecting on the progression that they should be aiming for. The we as a Nation are meant to stand as a Nation of Men and Women, each willingly shouldering our own burden to behave in a moral manner. How they fail when they deliver a sermon without a moral message, and sometimes without even a cogent message... wandering on, providing true information without a drawing to close a conclusion. How they fail when they do not lay hints, as a means of allowing us each to grow, but in stead stunt our abilities and our hearts. For whilst we each carry an individual moral responsibility that cannot be shared. Each our individual responsibility ends not with ourselves, but with the impact we each have on our society. And the fundamental unit of Muslim Society is unique in it's own right: the Husband- Wife partnership, and what breaks it breaks our society, and what cements it, cements our society. Here expertise lies in variant hands, and authority is by mutual consent. Knowledge is through study and contemplation.
Wisdom through action.
Not lectures and talks, nor this above. Currently my phone is broken.. posted on desktop... ;-)